Re: [AD] al_update_display_region

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On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 12:16 -0800, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> > Also, I noticed that ex_expose now fail here because it uses this:
> About expose events: what happens if I don't want to handle expose  
> events myself (ie, I don't set it as an option when setting the  
> display options). Does Allegro process the events internally?
> The reason I'm asking is that I have the impression that in the X11  
> port you *have to* capture expose events and on other platforms you  
> *don't have to*, which isn't a desirable situation - I should only  
> have to handle expose events if I say I want to handle them, if I am  
> given that choice.

You never have to deal with expose events - X11 just (at least in the
default configuration) does not keep a back buffer with the window
contents. So as soon as you stop constantly redrawing the window it will
look broken.

> Maybe I misinterpreted some of the discussion on how the X11 port  
> works at the moment, so maybe someone can clarify this for me.

I think the only difference to Windows/OSX is that there each window
keeps its contents even if you stop redrawing it. I wouldn't know

This has nothing to do with the reason ex_expose fails btw, also other
examples who request a 32-bit buffer with no alpha will fail. And I
assume it will fail on all platforms as the scorer is platform
independent now.

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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