Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-2294557 ] pkg-config support

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2009/2/23 Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> On Sun, 2009-02-22 at 02:43 +0000, wrote:
>> Initial Comment:
>> pkg-config support
> Does this mean, we can now remove the allegro-config stuff from A5?

Depends.  How "native" is pkg-config on Mac OS X?

> pkg-config does exactly the same:
>> pkg-config a5_font-debug-static-4.9 --cflags
> -I/home/elias/prog/allegro/install4.9//include
>> pkg-config a5_font-debug-static-4.9 --libs
> -L/home/elias/prog/allegro/install4.9//lib -la5_font-debug-static-4.9.9 -la5_iio-debug-static-4.9.9 -lallegro-debug-static-4.9.9
> Plus,  you made it work for all addons already, something which is
> broken with allegro-config right now.
> The --static option does not work though (it should list things like
> -lpng -lz and so on I assume).

Ok.  It's also odd because you need to specify both --static *and* use
the -static library name.  From a Unix point of view, it's annoying.


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