Re: [AD] undefined symbol: _blender_trans24 |
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2009/2/8 Guillermo Martínez Jiménez <gmjimen@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello.
> Since I had success using Allegro with Free Pascal on Windows system,
> I was doing some test with Allegro on Linux and Free Pascal. I had
> success doing it "by hand", loading the library and getting the
> function address, but when I try to do it "automatically" it links but
> running the program it returns:
> #~/test: ./test
> ./test: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/ undefined
> symbol: _blender_trans24
> #~/test:
> The test program is the simplest you can imagine and it doesn't uses blender.
> I can load the library and each function and variable address by hand
> but why should I? Isn't "_blender_trans24" inside file?
> Why doesn't it find that function?
Actually, it's in the liballeg_unshareable.a file. You'll have to find some
way to work around it, e.g. link your bindings with liballeg_unshareable.a and
make sure when you dlopen() it can resolve those symbols. Maybe some other
bindings will present a solution.
Yes, it's a pain. It might be fixed in 4.3.10+ but I haven't checked.