Re: [AD] proposed changes to sound API

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On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:28 PM, Matthew Leverton <meffer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 6:06 AM, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> > If there are no major objections, I can commit the changes. There are
>>> > still some minor things I'd like to address, but they can wait until
>>> > after these changes are applied.
>> Have you made any updates? It would be nice to get this committed before
>> the next release.
I've applied the changes to the kcm_audio add-on. I tried to work with
the latest files, but I may have overwritten some of your latest doc
changes for it. I'll go back through the diffs for those files to
double check that.

The demo and examples were updated to work with the changes, but only
at the API level. I didn't make any high-level changes to them. Once
the audio changes are settled down, they should be cleaned up to
reflect more realistic usage (especially the demo).

I have not yet committed the changes to the acodec add-on (other than
those required to work with the new kcm_audio) as it looks like there
were some recent updates to the file system functions that I'll have
to update my code to use. I should be able to get that done by end of

Matthew Leverton

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