Re: [AD] SVN: alleg:[11393] allegro/branches/4.9

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On January 6, 2009, Evert Glebbeek wrote:
> On 6-Jan-09, at 3:11 PM, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> > I have no problems with changing it.. But I thought actually being
> > able to
> > distinguish between a negative condition and a failure was
> > important. I'm not
> > so sure now.
> Oh, it very well might be. However, in that case the function name is
> misleading, I think.
> Sometimes leaving something be for a while shows you how things should
> be changed. :)

I had intended to spend more time testing and weeding out issues with the api, 
but I spent so much of that time doing absolutely nothing that I just tried to 
get what I could into shape ::) And it shows that its a little mis-planned.. 
And still incomplete.. I really wanted to integrate the AL_PATH stuff into the 
fshook stuff more, so raw paths aren't used as much, but then I figured users 
might not appreciate being forced to use AL_PATH. So half of the idea behind 
having AL_PATH is no-more. And I didn't think people would like getting an 
AL_FS_ENTRY back from al_fs_readdir, but I'd really like to do that myself. 
Not to mention I planned al_get_path to have the "application name" 
automatically included in relevant paths, I think I've been "oked" for that 
one now. ramble ramble ramble...

> Evert
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thomas Fjellstrom

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