Re: [AD] 4.9 misc breakages.. |
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On 2009-01-09, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I should also mention, Its faster, and creates more versions of the archives.
> And does them all in one step.
> It has built in documentation, and the shell scripts are just plain evil. IF
> my script builds perfect release archives I wouldn't be scared to make
> releases. As it is, all the many steps required right now makes it so I won't
> do any releases, too many steps. If you recall, I actually volunteered a while
> back to start doing some releases.... Now you know why I haven't.
For your interest, I use the following script to make 4.9 releases.
Pretty much everything that can be automated, is automated, and is
done by the existing scripts.
# vim: ft=zsh et
set -e
ver=(4 9 7)
dotted_ver=${dotted_ver// /.}
export LC_ALL=en_US
rm -rf allegro
svn export file://$HOME/ahack/SF_REPO_BACKUP/alleg/allegro/branches/4.9 allegro
( cd allegro
./misc/ ${=ver} WIP
./misc/ allegro-$
mv .dist/*(.) ..
rm -rf allegro
unzip allegro-$
./allegro/misc/ allegro-$