[AD] 4.9 misc breakages..

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Seems some scripts in misc/ are a little broken.

fixver.sh is looking for stuff that doesn't exist any more (_tx files for 

genexamp.py is completely broken.

and zipup.sh doesn't seem to create plain zip archives when 7za is present, 
both seem to be 7z archives.

svn:~/allegro/4.9# file .dist/allegro-svn-4.9-svn.7z
.dist/allegro-svn-4.9-svn.7z: 7-zip archive data, version 0.2
svn:~/allegro/4.9# file .dist/allegro-svn-4.9-svn.zip
.dist/allegro-svn-4.9-svn.zip: 7-zip archive data, version 0.2

so call me confused...

anyhow those are all the ones I've noticed so far.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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