[AD] mingw32 build documentation patch

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Hey all,
As I was building the 4.3.11 SVN under cygwin, I discovered that the cygwin packages textutils and sh-utils have been merged into the coreutils package. So I thought I would throw together a quick patch to update the required package list. Not terribly exciting, but it might help a new user who needs/wants to use cygwin. I have no idea where on SVN the documentation is, so I patched against the 4.3.11 SVN document that came from the "test fest" forum post.

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--- mingw32.txt	2009-01-20 22:42:46.500000000 +1100
+++ mingw32.txt.new	2009-01-20 22:46:26.062500000 +1100
@@ -185,9 +185,9 @@
    1. Make sure you have a working Cygwin installation. You can download the
       setup.exe program from 'http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/'.
-      You will need the following packages: bash, binutils, cygwin, cygutils,
-      fileutils, gcc, gdb, login, make, man, mingw-runtime, sed, sh-utils,
-      texinfo, textutils and w32api.
+      You will need the following packages: bash, binutils, coreutils,
+      cygwin, cygutils, fileutils, gcc, gdb, login, make, man,
+      mingw-runtime, sed, texinfo and w32api.
    2. Get the minimal DirectX 7 SDK for MinGW. (dx70_mgw.zip) Download it
       from 'http://alleg.sourceforge.net/wip.html' and unzip it to a

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