Re: [AD] Documentation system 2009

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On Sat, 2009-01-10 at 11:49 +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> I do like to be able to read inline descriptions of functions, as long
> as they aren't too long and clutter up the entire screen.  Since we're
> using Natural Docs markers anyway, I have a script that can reinsert
> text from func.* (etc.) files back into source code.  Currently it just
> inserts the first paragraph into place, but it could be changed.
> Of course, then you could generate Natural Docs too if you like.  Pandoc
> and Natural Docs use different markup so you would lose some formatting,
> but it should still be readable.

I see two problems with this:

- People mistakenly updating a code comment.
- People forgetting to run the sync script after updating documentation.

The second one would be easily solved with a daily cron-job like "svn
up; run-sync-script; scn ci" I guess, but the first one concerns me a
bit. I tend to automatically fix grammar/typo mistakes whenever I see
them, and likely wouldn't be aware if I do so in a real comment or a
read-only one - and then such changes would be silently lost and never
show up in the actual documentation. 

Instead of a more sophisticated solution where the sync script somehow
makes a diff against the last synced version, maybe there should at
least be something like this on top of such comments:


Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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