Re: [AD] 4.9 misc breakages..

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The reason I've been going through the misc scripts is I'm trying to get my 
auto svn dist build archive going again. I thought I'd stick with what I had 
before, but it turns out I lost my last script, so all I have now is a version 
from ages ago that only covers 4.3, so its kindof useless.

So instead of hacking it, and messing with the existing scripts in misc, I've 
written a new one that builds the zip, 7z, tgz, and tbz2 archives given the 
executables are available.

one slight niggle, is if you want to create archives without the svn revision 
in the name, you need to export a copy of the tag/branch/revision you want to 
build the archives for, and use: --local=directory

The --branch and --tag args both assume they aren't building for a real 
release. just snapshots. thus the included revision number.

Tell me what you think, if it works, and if its wanted in /misc or not.

Thomas Fjellstrom

Description: Perl program

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