Re: [AD] 3 minor suggestions about our cmake build

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On 2008-12-31, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 2008-12-30, Elias Pschernig <elias.pschernig@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 3. Why the GRADE_* variables?
> > 
> > Having finally read the cmake documentation, it seems they always assume
> > that there is only one build type (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE =
> > Debug/Release/RelWithDebInfo/...) per output build directory, and
> > especially when talking about VC they seem to discourage a solution like
> > our current GRADE_DEBUG/GRADE_STANDARD. Should we follow them or keep
> > going with our custom GRADE_ variables?
> When I wrote that, I didn't know it would cause problems with VC.
> I like being able to install the debug and release configurations in a
> single step, but it's not important enough not to go with the official
> way of doing things.  So yes, change it.

Actually, I've just changed it.  The CMakeLists.txt are much simpler
now.  If you still find them hard to read, I'd like to know why ;-)


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