[AD] keyboard buffer (proposal) |
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Attached are patches that implement the following proposed features: 1) keyboard polling al_poll_keyboard(); al_key_down(NULL, keycode); Basically it eliminates the need of an explicit ALLEGRO_KEYBOARD_STATE. I'm on the fence regarding the usefulness of this. At least it's easier to remember and keeps the verbosity down. 2) key buffer al_enable_key_buffer(true); // called once al_key_buffer_is_empty(); // i.e. A4's !keypressed() int scancode = al_read_key(&unichar, &modifiers); // parameters are optional. al_clear_key_buffer(); With this, Allegro 5 is as easy to use as 4 while still offering more flexible event queues. (I have no suggestions for joystick & mouse, as I think they are fine as is.) -- Matthew Leverton
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