Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-2431768 ] display field for mouse state

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2008/12/18 Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>:
> received the mouse window is set to NULL. The windows code is unchanged from
> the previous patch; I can't figure out how to do this in the same way for
> Windows, but it may not matter since on Windows top window = key window =
> mouse window.

I've appended some changes in windows code to your patch. It sets
display field to NULL when the mouse is outside the window
which has the input focus. However, (x,y) stay at the same value they
were last time the mouse was inside the window. I don't know how to
enable full mouse tracking, if that's possible at all. Well, to me it
looks like the code puts a lot of effort to *stop* tracking the mouse
when it leaves the window.

Milan Mimica

Attachment: mouse_display.diff
Description: Binary data

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