Re: [AD] Fwd: multithreading Allegro? |
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Evert Glebbeek wrote:
I know of the Cilk project through other people (I worked with a girl who was on the JCilk project, Cilk for java). The point doesn't seem to be that you can *use* Allegro in a multithreaded fashion (I already use 4.2 in multiple threads, just very carefully), but for the Allegro internals to have code that tries to take advantage of multiple cores. For instance writing for loops that automatically expand into parallel versions. Its a clever way of utilizing multiple cores without explicitly writing the fork/join code to do it.Got this.Does anyone have any clue what this is about, or is it just spam? If not, should we care? As far as I recall, Allegro works properly on multi-core machines (or did a while back anyway), so internally I think we're good. As for supporting multithreaded programs with Allegro, I think the situation is:4.9 - we support it, it works. Nothing needed there.4.2/3 - we don't support it, it doesn't work and it never will. Don't care.
Openmp is another way to achieve this, and it comes with gcc 4.3 and up. I've only briefly looked at Cilk and openmp so I can't say which is better nor even if we care about using it.. Perhaps some of the more mathy routines in Allegro (like quaternions?) would enjoy multithreading.
If the api's are really easy to use and support our platforms it may be worth looking into at some point.
Evert Begin forwarded message:From: "Ilya Mirman" <cilk@xxxxxxxxxx> Date: Mon 29 Sep 2008 12:44:21 EDT (CA) To: eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx Cc: cilk@xxxxxxxxxx Subject: multithreading Allegro? Message body follows: Hello, I am wondering - is there demand for / interest in multithreading Allegro? We at Cilk Arts will soon release Cilk++ (3 keywords and a runtime system that extends C++ apps into the multicore realm), and it'd be great to have interested folks in the open source community join our Early Visibility Program. If it's something of interest, I'd be glad to chat further. Thank you, ilya -- This message has been sent to you, a registered user, by another site user, through the site. This message has been delivered to your mail alias. You may reply to this message using the "Reply" feature of your email client, or using the messaging facility of at: This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Moblin Your Move Developer's challenge Build the coolest Linux based applications with Moblin SDK & win great prizes Grand prize is a trip for two to an Open Source event anywhere in the world
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