Re: [AD] A5 licence/license

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As Peter pointed out on ACC, zlib and libpng are widely used, so their license is widely distributed as well - so no good reason we couldn't adopt it.

I'll commit a LICENSE file with the following header (the rest of the file is the standard zlib license):
"Copyright (c) 2008 the Allegro 5 Development Team"
unless anyone cares to suggest an alternative.
Rationale for the header: 2008 is the year the license was adopted, although it should be 2008,2009 in a few more months, and the license applies to Allegro 5 (not 4.x, though we could debate whether 4.4 should go under the same license). "The Allegro 5 Development Team" is the best term I could come up with that describes who we are: bunch of random people who commit things to A5's repository now and then.


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