Re: [AD] fs-hook on OS X

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On Tuesday 30 September 2008, Peter Hull wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 2:03 AM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> 
> > If OSX doesn't have an equivalent to /usr/share, then I'm not sure what
> > to set it to, maybe if the app is in a bundle, it can be the bundle's
> > data dir.. SYSTEM_DATA should be a global data path that all users share
> > (iirc, XP and vista will return the "All Users" shared data dir.
> Maybe I've misunderstood or maybe we need to look at this again. There
> is an equivalent to /usr/share, it's /Library/ (and specifically,
> /Library/Application Support/) This is for system wide _settings_ for
> applications. Resources like graphics and sound should go in the
> application bundle and that's what SYSTEM_DATA is returning. For
> ex_path, it wasn't in a bundle, so OS X returned the exe's directory
> instead.

Right, so are those the only two places app data can be placed? Is there no 
way it'll appear anywhere else? (not including legacy unix stuff, we really 
only aught to support platform specific locations)

> Do we need to make a distinction between a system-wide settings
> location and an applications resource location (which would be under
> /usr/share on Linux in both cases)
> Pete
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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