Re: [AD] fs-hook on OS X

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On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 2:03 AM, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If OSX doesn't have an equivalent to /usr/share, then I'm not sure what to set
> it to, maybe if the app is in a bundle, it can be the bundle's data dir..
> SYSTEM_DATA should be a global data path that all users share (iirc, XP and
> vista will return the "All Users" shared data dir.
Maybe I've misunderstood or maybe we need to look at this again. There
is an equivalent to /usr/share, it's /Library/ (and specifically,
/Library/Application Support/) This is for system wide _settings_ for
applications. Resources like graphics and sound should go in the
application bundle and that's what SYSTEM_DATA is returning. For
ex_path, it wasn't in a bundle, so OS X returned the exe's directory
Do we need to make a distinction between a system-wide settings
location and an applications resource location (which would be under
/usr/share on Linux in both cases)


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