Re: [AD] Windows Addition for Message Parsing

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On Tue, October 7, 2008 9:33 pm, Elias Zacarias said:
> If such a function is defined, allegro calls it as it enters the
> WindowProc (directx_wnd_proc), then the user defined function gets
> the
> chance to parse the messages... if the user-defined function returns
> 0, then the message it's not parsed by allegro, otherwise it gets
> further parsed within directx_wnd_proc if needed.

I like the idea of this and want to apply it to 4.3 and 4.9
(probably under a different name). I would change the name of the
function though... perhaps win_set_wndproc_callback? Any suggestions
or objections?

Trent :{)>

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