Re: [AD] Windows Addition for Message Parsing

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> I like the idea of this and want to apply it to 4.3 and 4.9
> (probably under a different name). I would change the name of the
> function though... perhaps win_set_wndproc_callback? Any suggestions
> or objections?
> Trent :{)>

Well, in fact the name may need to be changed currently is
win_set_msg_pre_proc( ... )
However, it is "pre proc" because it WON'T replace allegro's wndproc
but will allow you to "pre process" messages before they get parsed in

As I see it, win_set_wndproc_callback() <-- suggested by Trent MAY be
taken as you'll be replacing the wndproc callback.
It may be more appropiate win_add_wndproc_callback() or
win_set_user_wndproc() or something like that.

Or at least that's IMHO. Feedback about functionality, inclusion in
the lib and/or the name are welcomed.
Am also glad that at least 1 dev think it's a worthy feature :)

 Elias Zacarias

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