Re: [AD] Windows Addition for Message Parsing |
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- To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library Allegro <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [AD] Windows Addition for Message Parsing
- From: Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2008 10:23:23 -0400
On 8 Oct 2008, at 09:58, Elias Pschernig wrote:
As he needs the actual *Windows* messages - it always will be platform
dependent. If we add something similar for OSX and X11, the user will
have to deal with completely different messages, so guess it might as
well be completely separate functions.
True. I have to admit that I don't know a great deal about how
message passing works on all different platforms. What I had in mind
was that if the message is mostly an integer that gets passed around
(signalling "hey, the mouse has moved") without much more than that
on all platforms, it would be possible to wrap that up in a platform
neutral way. On the other hand, on OS X messages are already passed
in a different way, so that's probably not going to work anyway.
The ideal solution would be for us to add support for multiple mice so
there would not even be the need to intercept platform messages. Not
sure what the consequences for the API would be. Likely we'd need some
kind of general device enumeration, instead of the classic
one-mouse/one-keyboard/one-joystick idea (not sure about the
latter, it
seems more advanced already). Likely not really worth the effort.
Well, apparently there's already one person who wants it. ;)
As a minimal change, could we have the following:
* al_install_mouse() initialises the mouse subsystem and does an
enumeration of the number of mice on the system (defaulting to 1 in
case we don't implement that on some platforms for now).
* We need al_get_number_of_mice() or something to that effect to
return this information.
* al_get_mouse() acquires a parameter to indicate events from which
mouse it should be sending. Alternatively (making the common case
easier), al_get_mouse() returns the first mouse and there is
al_get_multiple_mice(int mouse_number) that registers a particular
mouse for the event system. The mouse events then need an extra field
to indicate what mouse generated the event.
* Commands for affecting the mouse cursor or mouse state need an
argument to decide what mouse to affect if there's more than one, but
this can be done behind the scenes with al_set_current_mouse(),
similar to al_set_current_display().
This leaves the common case of one mouse pretty much the same as it
is now and implements multiple mice in a way that's similar to at
least the display API (and presumably the joystick API too). I have
to admit though that when I started writing I didn't think of the
last bullet point on that list. ;) I was originally thinking that
injecting the events would be easy and we'd just not bother with
implementing multiple mice for al_get_mouse_state, just telling users
to use the event system if they want multiple mice. However, we still
need to be able to affect the cursor. :-/
Anyway, I'm not going to lose sleep over not supporting multiple mice
(maybe I will lose sleep over not having some sort of built-in multi-
button emulation though), but if someone wants it I'd rather it be
implemented now and in this way that that we add a platform-specific
mechanism for hacking it in.