Re: [AD] Disable screensaver

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On Fri, October 31, 2008 6:56 am, Miquel 'Fire' Burns said:
> Actually, I know there's a way to disable the screensaver without
> screwing up the user's settings. There's a message that is sent to
> all
> the programs when Windows decides to turn on the screensaver, and
> even
> one (same or different, I don't know) to turn off the monitor, and a
> certain response will stop the screensaver from activating.
> And if the program crashes badly enough that it's shutdown routines
> fail to run (power outage being the best example), then the
> screensaver will remain in tack.

Do you have any more details? The most likely candidate I found was
WM_APPCOMMAND but the docs don't mention anything about

Trent :{)>

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