[AD] Bug in packfile_password() when used with load_datafile() (4.3.10)

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Hi all.

I have found a bug with the functions mentioned in the title.  I have a game
(Alex the Allegator 2) that I am porting and when loading its datafile it
is getting an assert in src/file.c:1602.  In this function
(free_packfile()) there is this comment:

/* These are no longer the responsibility of this function, but
 * these assertions help catch instances of old code which still
 * rely on the old behaviour.

And then there are a bunch of asserts, including this one:


Which is triggering.  Now the thing is that this seems to be a bug in
Allegro itself.  I don't have time to investigate it as I am madly porting
games for the Amiga Allegro release in Birmingham next Saturday.  But it
seems to me if the only thing that the game code does it call
packfile_password() followed by load_datafile() and this triggers the
assert, then it is a problem with Allegro itself.  Any comments?

The callstack of the crash is:

liballegro.so:free_packfile()+0x94 (section 1 @ 0x2d788)
liballegro.so:pack_fclose_chunk()+0x34C (section 1 @ 0x2ecc8)
liballegro.so:load_object()+0xFC (section 1 @ 0x213dc)
liballegro.so:load_file_object()+0x138 (section 1 @ 0x21a04)
liballegro.so:load_datafile_callback()+0x148 (section 1 @ 0x21d00)
liballegro.so:load_datafile()+0x50 (section 1 @ 0x21b90)
Alex2.debug:loadData()+0x34 (section 1 @ 0x43c) 

Any thoughts?

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