Re: [AD] Status of A5 on OS X (ppc)

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On 2008-09-17, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> For reference, I'll post the current status of the different examples  
> and the demo on my iBook.
> Pete: I would like to know which issues are due to differences  
> between ppc and intel Macs (I suspect there's a few unfixed  
> endianesse problems) and which are general OS X problems.
> Build system:
> Whenever the demo is recompiled I get
> [...]
> Linking CXX executable demo
> install: Icon.icns: No such file or directory
> make[2]: *** [demo/demo] Error 71
> make[1]: *** [demo/CMakeFiles/demo.dir/all] Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> $
> This is just a result of an out-of-source build, bit it's annoying.  

Please fix this using ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} and ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} in the
right spots.

> Demo game:
> Much better now that I have fonts working. I assume there's supposed  
> to be music in the titlescreen but all I hear is some horrible  
> screaching sound. I suspect an endianesse issue somewhere. Seems to  
> work ok otherwise, but whose idea was "press z/y to start"?
> Also to confirm, is the planet on the background of the titlescreen  
> supposed to be bluish, right?

Yes, blue.

> ex_events:
> Works fine, but I have to ask: are we planning any sort of multi- 
> mouse button emulation (eg, cmd+click = right click)? Also, when I  
> click, the button that is highlighted is the rightmost one on the  
> display. Is that correct? I was somehow expecting the left one to be  
> highlighted.

Should be the left box, for the primary mouse button.

> ex_lockbitmap:
> I see a small window with a blue square in the lower left corner. The  
> rest of the window is black. Is that right?

Should be four squares of different colours.

> ex_lockscreen:
> I get a small window with a black->white gradient. Is that right?

That's what I get.

> ex_pixelformat:
> I get
> Display format = 11
> Could not load image, bitmap format = 3
> Could not load image, bitmap format = 7
> in the terminal.

That's right, as I remember.

> ex_threads2:
> Ouch. It seems to work, but is it really supposed to cripple my  
> computer?
> I cannot interact with the window in anyway, I just get the  
> "spinning" cursor and need to exit the example with ^c in the terminal.


> ex_windows:
> Ok, but the mouse cursor vanishes whenn it hits the second window.  
> Probably related to the other mouse-issues when dealing with multiple  
> windows.

I made ex_mouse_cursor open two windows yesterday.  Do you try that


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