[AD] Status of A5 on OS X (ppc)

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For reference, I'll post the current status of the different examples and the demo on my iBook. Pete: I would like to know which issues are due to differences between ppc and intel Macs (I suspect there's a few unfixed endianesse problems) and which are general OS X problems.

Build system:
Whenever the demo is recompiled I get

Linking CXX executable demo
install: Icon.icns: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [demo/demo] Error 71
make[1]: *** [demo/CMakeFiles/demo.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2

This is just a result of an out-of-source build, bit it's annoying. Running make again allows me to continue because the demo isn't recompiled.

Demo game:
Much better now that I have fonts working. I assume there's supposed to be music in the titlescreen but all I hear is some horrible screaching sound. I suspect an endianesse issue somewhere. Seems to work ok otherwise, but whose idea was "press z/y to start"? Also to confirm, is the planet on the background of the titlescreen supposed to be bluish, right? I remember it being redish, but that could have been before the TGA loader bug that I fixed.

Works, through OpenAL. I get proper playback when playing a .wav file. Noise when playing a .ogg file (see demo).

ex_bitmap, ex_bitmap_target:
Work fine, as far as I can tell.

Seems to work fine, but I don't understand what I'm looking at.

Runs at 5fps.

Works fine, but I have to ask: are we planning any sort of multi- mouse button emulation (eg, cmd+click = right click)? Also, when I click, the button that is highlighted is the rightmost one on the display. Is that correct? I was somehow expecting the left one to be highlighted.

I never see anything special, no matter what I do. Is that ok?

Fine now.

Sets fullscreen mode fine, but fails to resize it (note that from looking at the NSView documentation I'm not even sure that this is supported on OS X without destroying the current display and making a new one).


Fine now.


I see a small window with a blue square in the lower left corner. The rest of the window is black. Is that right?

I get a small window with a black->white gradient. Is that right?

ex_membmp, ex_monitorinfo, ex_mouse, ex_mouse_cursor, ex_mouse_events, ex_multiwin:
Seems ok.

Starts and displays, but doesn't respond to any events. If I recall correctly, this was already reported, with the added remark that it may not be possible to have normal windows without a frame on OS X. Correct?


I get
Display format = 11
Could not load image, bitmap format = 3
Could not load image, bitmap format = 7
in the terminal.

I get a window that resizes itself so quickly that the WM doesn't have time to draw the window decorations.

I cannot resize the window.

ex_saw, ex_scale, ex_stream_file, ex_threads:
all fine.

Ouch. It seems to work, but is it really supposed to cripple my computer? I cannot interact with the window in anyway, I just get the "spinning" cursor and need to exit the example with ^c in the terminal.

ex_timedwait, ex_timer, ex_ttf:
All work.

Ok, but the mouse cursor vanishes whenn it hits the second window. Probably related to the other mouse-issues when dealing with multiple windows.



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