Re: [AD] (OS X) mouse button number reported

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On 2008-09-18, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> As I mentioned previously, when I ran ex_events, the display would show the 
> right mouse button lighting up when I clicked (with the one button I have). 
> Investigating, there seems to be an inconsistency between how 
> _al_osx_mouse_generate_event numbers the buttons starting from 1 and the 
> way ex_events expects them to be ordered starting from 0.

Hmm? Buttons should be numbered from 1 everywhere, IIRC.

> Assuming that's also how they're numbered on other platforms, the attached 
> patch fixes the problem. Please confirm that this is correct (although 
> Peter Wang already more or less did that when he said the primary mouse 
> button should highlight the left box).
> On a related issue, the same chunk of code in qzmouse records the change in 
> a variable b_change, which is then used to set osx_mouse.state.buttons, 
> which doesn't seem to be used again anywhere else (according to grep). 
> However, b_change is only set when the key state changes to "down". Should 
> this be fixed, or can the osx_mouse.state.buttons part be removed 
> completely?

It's needed for osx_get_mouse_state, which implements
al_get_mouse_state().  So b_change should definitely be set when a mouse
button is raised.

The current broken behaviour ought to show up in ex_events.


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