Re: [AD] Resizable windows on Mac OS X

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On 21 Sep 2008, at 05:34, Peter Hull wrote:
It resizes OK but there is a lot of ugly red flashes while it's doing

Unfortunately, yes. That happens because Allegro gets sent several resize messages in one go. What we probably should do (in ex_resize2) is to see how many resize events there are in the queue and then drop all but the last one.

and it also loses keyboard input for me. You might need a
makeKeyWindow somewhere.

Ah, didn't mention that. I tried that and it did nothing. Note that the window does take mouse input, which is double strange. The [window set ContentView: [window contenView]] line really is an ugly hack. The keyboard keeps working correctly if you pull that, but then the graphics are screwed up. :(

I had a quick look at the code. It's OK but in general you don't
subclass NSWindow unless you have to - mostly there is a delegate
method instead. I had to do it to get it to respond to events if
frameless, but for example look at windowShouldClose:, it's
implemented in the delegate. windowWillResize:toSize: is the same.

Ok, thanks. I'll fix that. If you've seen some of my earlier patches, I had to do it there because I had to store some extra stuff before I figured out how to do it without needing to do that. :)


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