Re: [AD] Resizable windows on Mac OS X

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Much cleaned up version of previous, I'm starting to get to know my way around the NSView/NSWindow classes and so was able to get rid of a lot of redundant code.

I haven't been able to get rid of [window setContentView: [window contentView]];, which does seem to have one nasty side effect: the window stops responding to input (ie, messages are not being sent) until I click in it explicitly. Working on it.

I tried to make use of the reshape message in the NSOpenGLView class, but haven't been able to use it succesfully. It duplicates part of the code in acknowledge_resize (or rather, the other way around), but I think the latter is the proper place to do this if the intention of acknowledge_resize is indeed to resize the view buffer.
(In which case reshape should probably do nothing.)


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