[AD] Allegro Deployment Tool |
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I was wondering about a new 'deployment tool' for Allegro, to replace
fixbundle and fixicon. On each of our platforms, the executable,
resources and 'metadata' are packaged up in different ways. I'm not
entirely sure how it would work but I was thinking of a text file that
lists the main exe, list of resources, icon, app title, copyright, ID,
then a tool to process it. This would produce a bundle for OS X, a
VERSIONINFO and icon for Windows, or a .desktop file for Linux.
When I say 'ID', I mean a unique string that can name a directory. Say
my program's ID was com.mysite.MyProg then I could put my settings in
~/Library/Application Support/com.mysite.MyProg on OS X,
C:\Documents and Settings\peter\Application Data\com.mysite.MyProg on Windows
.com.mysite.MyProg on Linux
and my resources would be in the bundle for OS X, in the exe directory
for Windows, and in /usr/local/share/com.mysite.MyProg for Linux.
See what I mean? It will interact with the FS stuff in a way.
What do you think?