Re: [AD] Porting Allegro to Haiku

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On 2008-08-26, scott mc <scottmc2@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Here's my first attempt at patching some things to work better for
> Haiku (Allegro 4.3.10).  Do not use these yet, I'm just looking for
> some direction here.  The Haiku specific files were created from their
> BeOS counterparts.  I'm undecided at this point as to whether this is
> the right path or if I should stick with the BeOS ones and ifdef them
> for Haiku cases.  Seeing as how the BeOS specific code was ripped out
> of the 4.9 branch, I suspect going with Haiku specific files is
> probably the right choice.  There's a few other projects that have
> elected to drop BeOS support as well, and the consensus on the Haiku
> dev mailing list seems to be that losing BeOS support on those
> projects isn't that big of a deal as long as they leave the door open
> to a Haiku port.
> For the makefiles, I see most of the filename extensions are 2 or 3
> characters, is that a requirement or is it ok to be makefile.haiku?

It's okay, but best to be DOS-compatible.


You seem to be duplicating some BeOS port files.  Any reason you can't
use the BeOS files with a few #ifdefs where there are differences?

> I'll be logging my progress on this one on the HaikuPorts website:
> Once I figure out the correct path to go down on this one and manage
> to get something working I will start submitting patches.
> Should I submit them to this list or is their an official place to
> post them?  I normally submit patches using diff -urN is that correct
> for Allegro as well?

This is the official place, and unified diffs are correct.


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