Re: [AD] Porting Allegro to Haiku

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Here's my first attempt at patching some things to work better for
Haiku (Allegro 4.3.10).  Do not use these yet, I'm just looking for
some direction here.  The Haiku specific files were created from their
BeOS counterparts.  I'm undecided at this point as to whether this is
the right path or if I should stick with the BeOS ones and ifdef them
for Haiku cases.  Seeing as how the BeOS specific code was ripped out
of the 4.9 branch, I suspect going with Haiku specific files is
probably the right choice.  There's a few other projects that have
elected to drop BeOS support as well, and the consensus on the Haiku
dev mailing list seems to be that losing BeOS support on those
projects isn't that big of a deal as long as they leave the door open
to a Haiku port.

For the makefiles, I see most of the filename extensions are 2 or 3
characters, is that a requirement or is it ok to be makefile.haiku?
I'll be logging my progress on this one on the HaikuPorts website:
Once I figure out the correct path to go down on this one and manage
to get something working I will start submitting patches.
Should I submit them to this list or is their an official place to
post them?  I normally submit patches using diff -urN is that correct
for Allegro as well?

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