Re: [AD] d3d_disp.c broken?

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I'd say C++ is fine - we've always used Objective-C in the OS X driver
(out of necessity). In 4.2, lillo used the absolute bare minimum
amount of Obj-C constructs. I used a few more (e.g. utilising NSString
instead of char*) but I've tried not to go overboard with it.

The only question is whether there are any MSVC/MINGW ABI issues?


On Sat, Aug 9, 2008 at 8:43 PM, Trent Gamblin <trent@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sat, August 9, 2008 10:55 am, Peter Wang said:
>> Hi, it looks like there are references to al_d3d in d3d_disp.c
>> but it's not defined anywhere.
>> Peter
> d3d_disp.c was supposed to be removed and d3d_disp.cpp put in. Which
> brings up the point, is it ok to have C++ in a driver code? It will
> make the D3D driver much cleaner, but not only that, using the C
> interface doesn't work like it should when inheritance is used
> (which I need to support true multihead on Vista and still have
> backwards compatability with < Vista). I'm very close now to having
> multihead working on < Vista, so I will commit the changes hopefully
> soon.
> Trent :{)>
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