Re: [AD] Question about versions

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On Monday 25 August 2008, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2008-08-25, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On Sunday 24 August 2008, Colin Ward wrote:
> > > Please Thomas, I'm not a noob and I have been involved in many open
> > > source projects over the years.  I understand what you mean and of
> > > course I understand the importance of incremental commits and being
> > > involved in the development of the project as a whole (that's why I'm
> > > on this list).  But in this case the code that will be committed will
> > > live in src/amiga and is completely independent of the rest of Allegro.
> > >  In other words, it will not break or modify generic Allegro code in
> > > any way and the only people who are affected by its addition to
> > > Subversion are Amiga users (all three of 'em!).
> > >
> > > So if I do finish the port locally and then commit a completely working
> > > and tested version to src/amiga then I don't see why that would be a
> > > problem. After all, for a new port you are going to have to accept a
> > > "large dump" no matter what stage of porting that code is up to because
> > > it is a whole new platform.
> >
> > The major problem is the code dump, and the extra work it entails for
> > those of us that like to audit commits, as well as make sure allegro in
> > its entirety is maintained for the foreseeable future.
> >
> > Allegro has had a history of large sections of it languishing for YEARS,
> > some of it due to people dumping large changes into allegro, and
> > disappearing.
> >
> > Can you guarantee you'll stick around and support it? And does it really
> > warrant being a full fledged supported platform in allegro? As of late,
> > we've been removing fluff, and consolidating the core allegro into a more
> > maintainable state, and if recent commit rates have anything to say, it
> > has helped.
> >
> > I've been saying this for a while, and heck, I may be completely
> > overruled,
> Overruled.


> Thomas, you picked the wrong target.  Firstly, Allegro is not a big name
> project which lots of people depend on; we can be more relaxed.
> Secondly, as Colin has said, his code will be isolated in src/amiga.  If
> he were to disrupt the cross-platform code or even another port, *then*
> that would be a problem.  But it doesn't sound like that's the case.
> Colin, your port would be a welcome addition.

So what happened to keeping allegro clean? Weren't we trying to remove stuff 
that had few users? Not add more with fewer users?

A consistent policy would be very nice. Or do we fly by the seat of our pants 
and just take whatever drops into our laps?

I'd have very little issue at all if it wasn't going to be a code dump with 
little hope for proper maintenance (3 users? don't see a lot of demand there, 
we have trouble maintaining the ports with many times more users, just look at 
the DOS port, I know it has users, but no maintainer, and the old windows port 
has been stagnant for ages, and its got tons of users).

> Peter
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Thomas Fjellstrom

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