Re: [AD] 4.3.10+ branch

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On Mon, 2008-07-28 at 05:41 -0600, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> >
> > kvm is based on qemu, VirtualBox is a desktop virtualization solution, and
> > its gui is rather easy to use, and any disks associated with a guest shows
> > up as an IDE disk in the guest.
> Oh i forgot, kvm depends on intel's and AMD's hardware virtualization 
> extensions. So only kqemu is an option if you want any kind of speed up with 
> qemu on an older machine.

I see, so kvm doesn't work for me. I installed the kqemu module, but
still no difference. Maybe 16-bit real mode is the problem? Although the
djgpp tools actually switch to 16-bit protected mode I think..

About virtualbox, I couldn't figure out how to mount my HD image in it.
It's simply a file I mounted as loop device, then ran fdisk and
mkfs.msdos on it. And qemu boots from it without problems - so now I'd
need a way to boot vbox from it, but it only lets me select "vdi" files
and so on, no device or normal block file.. any ideas?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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