Re: [AD] display option settings

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On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 12:18 PM, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is a number of new display options I want to pull in (most of the ones
listed at, and
originally I wanted to propose a completely new display settings API, but I'm
hesitant about it. I don't like having a triplet of functions for each option,
but I wouldn't like to change that now either, so I'll have to deal with it. :-/

So the problem remains: how to specify the new options? Originally I wanted
something similar to what AllegroGL has, but with some semantics changed:
void al_set_new_display_option(option, val, suggest|request);
int al_get_display_option(option);

This is just semantics, but I believe you mean SUGGEST/REQUIRE.
A return value for the set option would be really useful.. especially for a request.

Would it be possible to do something less verbose and more like this? Maybe a generalization for other systems as well...

bool al_enable(option,sug|req); //possibly string options together using 'or' ??
bool al_disable(option,sug|req);
bool al_set_value(option,val,sug|req);
int al_get_value(option);

Must-have options are:
- The depth of each color component (RGBA) of the framebuffer. This would allow
pixel formats incompatible with allegro, useful when the user wants to do his
own drawing with OpenGL, in some custom pixel format.
- z depth - the depth of the z-buffer.
- Initial window position, for windowed mode (could go into multimonitor API if
we'll have one some day).
- Something called AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and AGL_SAMPLES in AllegroGL, which
enables antialiasing.
- Something called AGL_FLOAT_COLOR and AGL_FLOAT_Z in AllegroGL, referring to
floating point framebuffer and z-buffer (fancy things).
- Possibly some other options, because I don't know what does each and every
option do.

Note that, for most of these options and the ones accepted by
al_set_new_display_flags(), the user wouldn't want al_create_display() to fail
if it can't set them. Display frequency is one of them too. "suggest|request" is
the key feature which the current API is missing.

We could have void al_set_new_display_option(option, val, suggest|request)/
int al_get_display_option(option) in addition to what we have now. But that
would be inconsistent.

I'm out of clever ideas.

Milan Mimica

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