Re: [AD] display option settings |
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Have a look at the way Cocoa does it - might give you some inspiration?
On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 8:18 PM, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi.
> There is a number of new display options I want to pull in (most of the ones
> listed at, and
> originally I wanted to propose a completely new display settings API, but I'm
> hesitant about it. I don't like having a triplet of functions for each option,
> but I wouldn't like to change that now either, so I'll have to deal with it. :-/
> So the problem remains: how to specify the new options? Originally I wanted
> something similar to what AllegroGL has, but with some semantics changed:
> void al_set_new_display_option(option, val, suggest|request);
> int al_get_display_option(option);
> Must-have options are:
> - The depth of each color component (RGBA) of the framebuffer. This would allow
> pixel formats incompatible with allegro, useful when the user wants to do his
> own drawing with OpenGL, in some custom pixel format.
> - z depth - the depth of the z-buffer.
> - Initial window position, for windowed mode (could go into multimonitor API if
> we'll have one some day).
> - Something called AGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS and AGL_SAMPLES in AllegroGL, which
> enables antialiasing.
> - Something called AGL_FLOAT_COLOR and AGL_FLOAT_Z in AllegroGL, referring to
> floating point framebuffer and z-buffer (fancy things).
> - Possibly some other options, because I don't know what does each and every
> option do.
> Note that, for most of these options and the ones accepted by
> al_set_new_display_flags(), the user wouldn't want al_create_display() to fail
> if it can't set them. Display frequency is one of them too. "suggest|request" is
> the key feature which the current API is missing.
> We could have void al_set_new_display_option(option, val, suggest|request)/
> int al_get_display_option(option) in addition to what we have now. But that
> would be inconsistent.
> I'm out of clever ideas.
> --
> Milan Mimica
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