Re: [AD] Open GL bitmaps

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Great, that sounds like it can be handled in the platform independent
code. To handle sharing we could have a pointer to a reference counted
bitmap list structure in each display; just before the last display is
destroyed, the textures etc would be removed.


On Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 11:11 AM, Milan Mimica <milan.mimica@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Peter Hull wrote:
> >
> > Possible solutions are for each display to manage its bitmaps, or
> > simply to hold on to a global reference to the GL context while the
> > app is running (all Cocoa memory management is done by reference
> > counting)
> Yes, we need each display to manage its own bitmaps for several reasons.
> Another reason is the fullscreen display resize event, which on some
> platforms (so far only Windows AFAIK) requires to recreate all the
> resources (a window, contexts...) and we have to preserve the bitmaps
> from being destroyed. I think that can be done in a platform independent
> manner.
> --
> Milan Mimica
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