Re: [AD] Testing Allegro 4.9 (revision 9986) in Windows

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On Sun, February 10, 2008 10:49 am, David Capello said:
> Hi, I was trying to test some of the new code in Allegro 4.9
> from the SVN (revision 9986).  Maybe you already know
> about these problems: (using Windows XP SP2 with DirectX 9.0c):

No, I didn't know about this, thanks for pointing it out. It should
be fixed in revision 9987. There was 2 instances of a "blend color"
variable, and each was being used in some places when there should
have only been 1.

Oh, and exnew_blend still doesn't work, it shows a black screen now,
I still don't know what's wrong there.


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