[AD] Testing Allegro 4.9 (revision 9986) in Windows

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Hi, I was trying to test some of the new code in Allegro 4.9
from the SVN (revision 9986).  Maybe you already know
about these problems: (using Windows XP SP2 with DirectX 9.0c):

* exnew_bitmap: by five seconds a completelly black window
   in the center of the screen was shown.

* exnew_bitmap_target: after a couple of seconds with a black
   window, the rotating square appeared. It works fine (well, just the
   seconds at the beginning are a little annoying...).

* exnew_blend: just a black window, nothing happened (I had to
  kill the program).

* exnew_d3d: It didn't find the d3dx9.dll. I have these files in
  - d3d9.dll
  - d3dx9_26.dll
  - d3dx9_31.dll
  - d3dxof.dll

* exnew_fs_resize: It changed the screen resolution, but the
   mysha.pcx wasn't drawn (instead a black rectangle is painted)

* exnew_icon: Worked fine.

* exnew_lockbitmap: The window was completelly black.

* exnew_lockscreen: Worked fine.

* exnew_mouse: The mouse didn't appear, but the mouse-button
   and the ESC key worked.

* exnew_mouse_events: same as exnew_mouse.

* exnew_resize: Worked fine.

* exnew_timer: Two seconds with a black window, after that the example
  start running fine. But at the end I had to kill it to close the program.

In the next weekend I'll be looking the new API and
some source code, maybe I could fix some of these

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