Re: [AD] Skater + AllegroGL

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Elias Pschernig wrote:

So, what do you think about putting AllegroGL into an addons/allegrogl
(or similar) subfolder of the 4.3.10 branch? Then we can try to maybe
make the build process somewhat more unified (probably not a lot, as to
really fix it we'd have to drop autotools and manual makefiles).
Anything speaking against that? Everyone with commit access to AllegroGL
already has commit access to Allegro I think, so not a lot should
change. Alternatively, we could keep allegrogl separate, and just merge
it into the 4.3.10 SVN from time to time.

Copying or moving AGL into 4.3's subdir is not much. I think it should be postponed until someone decides to do at least some part of the integration of the build process. Then we should just release the last standalone AllegroGL. It's a pain a to keep two separated projects synchronized.

Milan Mimica

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