Re: [AD] Skater + AllegroGL

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On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 18:39 +0200, Milan Mimica wrote:
> I'm proud to announce that the Skater demo now can work with AllegroGL, 
> using hardware acceleration if available, without a single OpenGL 
> command in the game code.

Nice! This would be great to include as example game in 4.4.0 - with the
option to build either for Allegro or AllegroGL (which should be
included in it). Not sure how it would work in detail.

> Differences to non-AGL Skater that I can notice:
> - higher FPS and less CPU time used :)
> - the "transition" animation looks a bit broken

Which animation is that, and why does it break?

> - the grass (the surface where our hero is skating) contains pink 
> pixels. That's because 3D polygons with masked textures are not 
> supported by AGL and probably will never be. I am asking here if I can 
> change the grass sprite the use sky-blue at those spots? It's all blue 
> background anyways.

Would it be hard to use an alpha bitmap in that case? I.e. just have two
textures on disk, use the pink one for the Allegro version, and the
alpha one for AllegroGL.

> With this I'm trying to show you that AGL's gfx driver is becoming 
> mature for more serious usage. I think it is ready for 4.3 branch.

Indeed. In one of the meetings, we said we want to "merge" AllegroGL
into 4.3.10. Where merge could mean nothing more than just copying it in
there, but still keep it as separate library.

> - apply the attached patch to Skater.
> cd skater/
> patch -p0 <skater_agl.diff

Any reason the patch shouldn't be applied to SVN?

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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