Re: [AD] fix for bcc32

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On 7/28/07, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Can we change and fixdll.bat to put LIBRARY at the very top of
> the file?  Does the parameter after LIBRARY matter, i.e. can we omit it
> like we do for DMC?
If the LIBRARY line is missing altogether, bcc uses the name of the
def file (which isn't helpful). If the LIBRARY line is present, it
must be first and it must contain the name.

In contrast, dmc requires that LIBRARY be present on some line, but it
can automatically figure out the name by the name of the output file.

So bcc is going to have to insert the LIBRARY line at make time. So
either the fix script needs to make sure it doesn't get added to the
bcc def file, or it could simply revert to 4.2.1 behavior and the dmc
makefile could be modified to work like bcc.

Matthew Leverton

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