Re: [AD] dmc unicode patch

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On 7/14/07, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Instead of setting a variable at initialisation and checking that, it
should be fine just check the DMC/Windows version at the time the
al_find* functions are called, right?

I'm not really sure what you mean. Basically any place that has
IS_OLD_WINDOWS needs to check to see if it's Windows 9x or DMC. And it
should be renamed from IS_OLD_WINDOWS to something to do with unicode

The DMC portion is easy ... it just cannot. MSVC, etc needs a run time
check to see what version is being used. SYSTEM_NONE doesn't set the
OS variables (nor should it), so the 4.2.1 system is broken in that
regard. The easiest Windows check is just to see if the highest bit of
GetVersion() is set. If it is set, then there won't be any Unicode

It could be a define like:

#define _al_win_supports_unicode() !(GetVersion() & 0x80000000)

and for DMC it is just false.

Matthew Leverton

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