>On 2007-06-22, Miguel A. Gavidia <juvinious@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> hello,
> We, Tomasu, relpats_eht and I, have working on the DS/GBA port (4.2.1) for
> some time now and have been doing so on a separate repository hosted by
> Tomasu. I was curious to know if it would be feasible to be able to merge our
> work into the main repository or move into a branch there?
>Of course. Eventually it should be merged onto the upcoming 4.3 branch.
>Note I expect half decent log messages on the main branches. If you
>don't want that burden, better keep the work in a separate branch until
>it enters more of a maintenance phase.
Ok, well I'll leave that decision up to Tomasu.
> The reason I ask
> is so that we can stay concurrent with changes in SVN instead of having to
> every so often merge the changes from the main repo to ours. Most of the
> ground work is done and the library compiles for the NDS and GBA. Granted
> some things aren't fully working yet but in time we hope to be able to get
> them up to speed. I've attached a patch of what changes need to be done to
> accommodate the port which covers:
> makefile.lst
> fix.sh
> fix.bat
> alconfig.h
>That looks okay (but don't commit it or anything).
Naturally, nothing will get committed until we get the go ahead
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