Re: [AD] DS/GBA Port

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On June 22, 2007, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2007-06-22, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > On June 22, 2007, Peter Wang wrote:
> > > Of course.  Eventually it should be merged onto the upcoming 4.3
> > > branch. Note I expect half decent log messages on the main branches. 
> > > If you don't want that burden, better keep the work in a separate
> > > branch until it enters more of a maintenance phase.
> >
> > Is this good enough? Or is more detail required?
> >
> >
> I don't want to see stupid shit like:
> 	If she weighs less than a duck than she's a witch.
> 	A bit of work, I don't know what.
> 	FUCK you
> etc.  That's all.
> Peter

Yeah, I'd have to say thats pretty rude.

Rel, you hearing this? ;)

Thomas Fjellstrom

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