[AD] removing msvc from fix.sh broke zipup.sh

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The following change removed support for "fix.sh msvc", but that is used
for the release process in misc/zipup.sh to generate dependencies.  For
the 4.3.1 release I just backed out the changes to fix.sh so that
zipup.sh would run.  Is that enough for things to work?

    r7683:  mmimica | 2006-12-31 02:23:28 +1100

    Michal Molhanec and Milan Mimica simplified MSVC build process:
    - fix.bat is now used for all MSVC builds (even with cygwin)
    - "--msvcpaths" argument to fix.bat is default now. Use --nomsvcpaths to disable
      automatic converting of MSVCDir to DOS 8.3 format.
    - build docs updated
    - other minor fixes


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