Re: [AD] New Developer for the DOS port of allegro 4.3

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On 2007-03-20, Andrew Lysher <alysher1@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> my name is Andrew and i will be working on the dos port of Allegro
> 4.3.  I am quite new to developing code, and will probably ask alot of
> stupid questions. Please bare with me as i learn the in's and out's of
> allegro.  i guess the first thing i need to know is: where do i need
> to start, and can i edit the source for 4.2.1 to allow it to work with
> 4.3, or will i need to creat it from scratch.  if any body has any
> sugestions for new features for the dos port please let me know.


Although we have maintained that we would accept any port if there was a
volunteer, I personally can't see a DOS port being feasible or
worthwhile.  At the moment the most stable part of the new API are the
event and input subsystems (and has been the only parts of the API
"done" for far too long).  You can check out an example of how it's to
be used in exnew_events.c example in the SVN repository.  If you have an
idea of how to implement those in DOS then please post your idea and
we'll discuss it.


PS. Please disable HTML emails.

PPS. For other developers, I meant to release 4.3.1 by now but am a bit
occupied with a new job.  I'll try to do it this weekend.

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