Re: [AD] Mac help required for 4.3.1

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On 2007-03-27, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I just committed a handful of fixes to the osx files, mostly things like 
> adding 'struct' to _AL_MUTEX, replacing unix_lock_mutex with 
> _al_mutex_lock and include "aintern_events.h" in places that needed it. 
> also a few initializing variables to 0 to prevent some gcc warnings.


> the examples dont seem to work just yet, at least with the scons build. 
> The make setup failed when it tried to make fixbundle.o.

Failed how?  Try running make depend?  I dunno.

> Is the cmake 
> thing working? I might not get to fixing the scons build till next week..

cmake works for me, but I doubt it will work as-is on Mac.  The release
can wait a little longer, but I don't want it to drag any more.


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