Re: [AD] [ alleg-Bugs-1650580 ] Problem in fixed point library.

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On Sun, 2007-02-04 at 07:44 -0700, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> Please don't tell me these functions are defined per platform? I hate it when 
> people do that.

Yes, it's messy.. but I guess, if we want the extra performance, there's
no way around it. The C compiler must be able to figure out from the .h
files what to do, because dereferencing a vtable at runtime wouldn't be
a good idea for time critical math functions. Hence, per-platform
inlined preprocessor magic :P

In D, I guess we would have something like:

version(DS) fixdiv(...) {...}

Just that it will be years until D supports such a platform it seems :)

Elias Pschernig

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