[AD] [4.2] allegro and mkstemp

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What are the limitations I have when moving the 4.3 code over to 4.2? I 
basically only need to add one or two vtable entries, and the wrapper 

Can I just add the "get_dir" hook to the end of the system vtable, and call it 

Also, I only have code for X/Unix and Windows. I have no idea what might have 
to be done of OSX. If the current _unix_get_path function works under OSX, 
let me know. Its a simple function, attempts to find the temp folder from a 
list of env vars, and then from a list of common unix paths.

Also, if you decide to take a look at whats in the vfs-work branch, its quite 
broken, using my old fs hook methods, and seems to have the "paths" array 
defined in the wrong place. Yay.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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