Re: [AD] Money

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On Sat, 2006-12-02 at 22:38 -0500, Jon Rafkind wrote:
> >
> I have phone conferences almost daily at work and I find online chat 
> *much* easier to follow. Besides I'm sure everyone would want to look at 
> the source or something during the conversation which would leave akward 
> gaps in an oral conversation.

Maybe we should try to hold developer meetings in IRC?

Like, maybe make a test meeting in #allegro (or probably #allegro-dev to
have no noise), on next Sunday or maybe Sunday in two weeks. The topic
could be how we we plan to get the most important stuff currently
missing in 4.3 implemented (and what this stuff is). It also would help
clear up who is working on what, what already has been implemented, and
so on..

OTOH, it might be hard to find a time where everyone can be there, so
this mailing list actually might be the best place to discuss things
anyway :)

Elias Pschernig

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